Islamic Articles Collection

Sunday, December 25, 2011


By Justice Mufti Taqi Usmani

They first met at a den of sin and vice
the meeting criteria being; was the other looking nice
Never was their criteria Deen
In fact Deen in them, couldn't be seen.

After many a lewd and very crude an interlude
the details of which, often, were very rude
they decided to tie the knot
rather than wallow and rot

Then came the engagement function
quite contrary to the Shari injunction
With free intermingling of the sexes
it, one with an iota of Imaan vexes

Suddenly the telephone, an important tool
became the plaything of these Shaytaani fools
Long before the prolonged nikah date
they behaved as if they were intimate mates

Finally came the big wedding 'do'
with them trying to be like the Jones's too!
The bride sat like a waxen puppet on the stage
much to her Lord's rage

With all and sundry viewing and even kissing the bride
isn't Jahanum for them a complimentary ride?
Do they entertain a hope of this marriage to last
when they do not hold onto Deen fast?

Article taken from Darul-Ihsan Research & Eduation Centre

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