Islamic Articles Collection

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Damned Shaytan

Forgo your love
From me I plead
Oh leave this victim
Upon whom you wait till night to feed

Your lips of blood
So red I see
So red as red as a murdered soul maybe
Don't whisper to me, your sinister seal
The seal from which you make, me feelThe feeling,
which makes me, will to steel
That thing, which may make the end to my living…

Forgo your love
From me I plead
And leave this victim
As of you to him, there is no need

The thought of you I dread to keep
Don't trouble me before I sleep
You are so evil, so sick, so mean
Deriving ones from right ways I've seen
Example to many you are and have been
Oh will you look away from them, with your eyes so keen…

Forgo your love
From the innocents I plead
Don't make the young your victims
Following them as your heed

Your sense of love seems just so fierce
It damages one's soul, and tears
Puts into each mind, mere fears
Your love is the dagger that will pierce
Each heart with black sins
And fill the eyes of guilt with tears.

For go your love
From us I plead
You've caused much damage already
Forgive for us, at least one good deed
As we are the ones pure in need.

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