“Ya Rubb! How can this be so beautiful in what I am seeing?!” Ahmad says as tears roll down his face.
“Oh Ahmad! You have seen nothing yet. We have not even come close to the Doors of Eternal Beauty!” The angels call out to him as they begin their ascent through the Seven Heavens.
Up they rise, faster than the speed of light. A beautiful wind gushes upon the face of Ahmad as he sits within the casket of beauty. He looks around in absolute amazement as he passes each of the Seven Heavens, and he notices that the next one he enters seems to be more beautiful than the last! Comfort indescribable sets in the soul of Ahmad, a feeling of happiness completely protected against any speck of sadness or worry.
On the other hand, Mo and the girl burn continuously in the garments of fire as the Angels of punishment bring them up through the Seven Heavens. The pain and torment they experience are so bad that they are unable to view the spectacular scenery surrounding them. Every nerve within their bodies is afflicted with agony beyond imagination. Their bodies are prevented from going into shock; no end to the pain; continuous tears pour forth from their dark reddening eyes.
“Ya Allah! If I truly knew death was this bad I would have been your best servant! Please Allah! I now know! Please send me back and I will be the best!” Both Mo and the girl scream out.
“No more sound from you! You said you were Muslims yet you did not obey Allah! You were warned by your family yet you did not take heed! You knew about Hell and the punishment from Allah yet it did not scare you to turn back to Him! This is your reward for choosing the life that you wanted! You fell for your desires and you did not want to sacrifice the sinful fun for pleasing Allah! Now you will face the pleasure for the sinful; Hell will be your abode! Now you will soon see the pious enjoying their lives within the Garden of Eternal Delight! See then and tell me what the real entertainment is; the pleasure of the World that is now gone from you forever, or the pleasure of Paradise that will last forever! See then and tell me who are those who show true happiness; those sinful people on this Earth looking to seek pleasure while the pious cry to Allah, or those who used to cry to Allah now dwelling in Gardens of Eternal Delight while those who tried to seek pleasure on this Earth now screaming for eternity in the depths of Hell-Fire!” The Angels call out, each word sending shivers down the spines of Mo and the girl.
“But the pain is too much! I cannot bare it no more! Please take away some of the pain!” The girl screams out.
“Pain?! You have not even felt pain! You have seen nothing yet! For you the terrors of the Grave await you! For you, the horrors of the Day of Judgment are approaching! And for you, the final resting place of a pain and terror beyond your wildest imagination awaits. It is Jahannam, the final abode for the disobedient servants of Allah who underestimated His anger and punishment!”
Back on Earth the parents of each of the youth who passed away help in the preparation of the burial and the washing of the dead.
As an honour from Allah to Ahmad, Allah placed noor (light) within the face of Ahmad’s dead body and a smile that spread across his face. Each person who saw a glimpse of his face was left amazed at the sight.
“Inshah’Allah this is a good sign from Allah.” Ahmad’s father says as tears roll down his face.
“I am sure it is, Inshah’Allah.” The Sheik of the Masjid says as he stood next to Ahmad’s father.
Far from noor, the faces of both Mo and the girl were disfigured. Their faces suffered major trauma from the accident, but little did people know that this was from Allah as a curse upon their bodies.
The first to be led to Salatul-Janaazah was Ahmad. At the front row Ahmad’s father stood along with the rest of his children. The mother stood far at the back along with the rest of the Muslim Sisters. Amazingly that day, literally hundreds of pious Muslims with big beards and Islamic clothing came to pray Salatul-Janaazah for Ahmad. Ahmad’s father Muhammad turned around in absolute astonishment as he watched crowds of Muslims trying to squeeze in for a space in Prayer. Muhammad was so moved by what he saw and thanked Allah continuously in his heart for allowing so many Muslims attend, tears poured from his eyes.
In fact, there were so many pious Muslims that day, Salatul-Janaazah had to be repeated three times to allow those who waited outside to come in and make the Salat. Again, almost no body knew that this was another honour from Allah towards Ahmad?
As for Mo and the girl, there was a surprisingly major setback in sorting out the death certificates etc, therefore preventing both of them being buried on Friday. Yet again, almost no body knew that this was another humiliation upon them for their disobedience towards Allah.
“AllahuAkbar!” The Imam calls out for the start of the first Rekk’a of Salatul-Janaazah. A feeling of fear and love of Allah passes through the air and through the hearts of the Muslims within the Masjid without them knowing, as Angels within the room constantly make Du’a towards Ahmad asking Allah for mercy, forgiveness and reward upon his soul. The only sign upon this Earth of this happening was the feeling of absolute concentration and crying towards Allah as the Muslims stood in Salat.
As these Muslims prayed towards Allah to ask Him to have mercy upon Ahmad, the angels with Ahmad already arrived to the Seventh Heaven and had his book written down in ‘Illiyun and back to Earth they headed. While those on Earth prayed for Ahmad, he was being treated to a death of honour, and yet an honour greater than this awaits him.
After Salat Muhammad turned around to the Sheik and asked with tears still in his eyes, “What about Mo and the girl?”
“There is a delay with their death certificates. The time the parents are finished sorting that out, the burial most likely will be on Saturday. Anyway, let us get going to the burial site.” The Sheik says as he compassionately takes Muhammad’s arm and guides him to the car?
The Angels with Ahmad have now come back to Earth, and the soul of Ahmad waits over his dead body. The body has now arrived to the burial ground. There, before Ahmad’s eyes is his own burial spot. Radiating light of different colours spring forth from his grave. Sounds similar to that of a miraculous waterfall and the falling of leaves can be heard in the distance, but the beauty of the sound multiplied thousands of times more than that of Earth. The smell from the foods of Paradise can be smelt from the distance; from food that cannot even be imagined or created upon this Earth.
“Please, please, let me get into my Grave!” Ahmad screams out in extreme excitement.
“Ahmad! Be patient, for I cannot even imagine how you will act when you set foot within Paradise!” The Angels say to him smiling.
Ahmad is in so much excitement and so determined to get within his grave, that this even has an impact upon his dead body!
As his body is carried towards the grave by his grieving father and other members of his relatives, the dead body becomes awfully light!
“SubhanAllah! My son’s body seems so light!” Muhammad says.
“Mashah’Allah. Those who are pious, their dead bodies seem light since the soul wants to get into the Grave, while that of the disbeliever and the disobedient, their bodies seem heavy since the soul does not want to enter the grave because of the horrors of what they see.” The Sheik says.
The closer Ahmad gets to his Grave, the greater his anticipation and happiness becomes. With all the joy he is experiencing, he does not even notice the surrounding events taking place!
The final time Ahmad’s dead body will see the light of day has now come. Muhammad gets inside of the grave along with the local Sheik. For the last time upon this Earth Muhammad takes his son in his arms and carefully positions him down into the grave. For the last time on this Earth, Muhammad looks into his son’s eyes and stares at him. The Sheik spots the tears developing in Muhammad’s eyes, his body beginning to shake with the sadness.
“Muhammad. Keep firm and patient.” The Sheik says to him quietly and calmly.
“Yes Inshah’Allah, but words cannot describe the feeling of burying my own son.”
“This is Qadr of Allah and this is surely a great test. Keep firm upon the path of the Sunnah and Qur’an and you will meet him again face to face, Inshah’Allah.”
If only his father sees the state of Ahmad now, he will surely smile and cry out of absolute happiness. Little does everyone know that Allah is going to send a sign upon them all of the condition and state of Ahmad!
Slowly the soil of the ground is thrown over the body of Ahmad. Minute by minute the hole of the grave begins to fill. Family, relatives and friends watch down in sadness, some crying out of grief, others crying out of fear that one day they will be in Ahmad’s situation, dead.
They all sit around Ahmad’s grave until the time appointed. As they walk away, Ahmad’s soul is instantly taken up outside the Gates of Paradise. There before him is the most magnificent doorway he has ever seen in his life. The size of it is beyond the imagination of any human being. Larger than a galaxy, made out of magical gold and silver bricks, a light of honour glimmering continuously from the gates. The gates prevent any eye in seeing the other side while all that is smelt and heard are the smells and sounds of Paradise beyond. Smells of unbelievably beautiful musk spreads forth from the gates of Paradise, while the sounds of magical water, the chirps of animal’s unheard of and other sounds unrecognizable to the ear can be heard. Magical walls beyond beauty spreads further than the eyes can see on both sides of the gate.
A smile spreads across the face of Ahmad while a feeling of incredible excitement enters his soul.
“Please let me in! I would love to see what is beyond those gates!” Ahmad calls out.
“Be patient Ahmad, for you will one day be allowed to enter those gates, for the gates and walls you see are the beginning of a Paradise wider than the Heavens and the Earth. A size you cannot even imagine, a size you will never be able to perceive even when you step foot into Paradise. It is a land where your dreams will come true; a land where no sadness or boredom is ever felt; a land where only desires and happiness are fulfilled; ask, and you will be granted; walk the lands of Paradise and forever you will come across things beyond your imagination.
Oh Ahmad. Prepare yourself for you have not even seen beauty. Prepare yourself for a land of unbelievable joy.
But now prepare your eyes for the greatest of beauty, a beauty beyond magnificence. Prepare yourself for the day you meet the Creator of all, Allah Subhanahuwata’aalah who is well pleased with you.” The angels call out.
Shivers passed along the spine of Ahmad when he heard those words.
“I cannot wait to meet Allah! But I am so ashamed to meet Him because of the bad things I have done.” Ahmad says.
“Do not fear Him now and do not be shy, for Allah is also looking forward in meeting you Ahmad.” The angels call out.
“AllahuAkbar!” Ahmad screams out as a feeling of mixed emotions of extreme happiness and extreme anticipation enters his soul.
The angels with Ahmad follow on in the praises of Allah, until all angels around begin the glorification of Allah, until the sound of praise begins to shake the ground beneath, the words passing through the air like a soothing wind.
Back on Earth Ahmad’s father and his wife prepare for bed. Both kept very silent that night, only making continuous Du’a to Allah.
The next morning at Fajr time, Muhammad rises from his sleep smiling and in what seems to be, a very excited state.
“‘Aliya! ‘Aliya! Wake up!” Muhammad shouts out shaking his wife waking her up.
“Ahmad!” ‘Aliya surprisingly calls out as her eyes open up.
“I dreamt of Ahmad in a beautiful kingdom!” Muhammad says excitedly.
“What?! AllahuAkbar! I dreamt of the same thing!” ‘Aliya calls out.
“This could be a good sign!” Muhammad says.
Moments later the phone rings. Muhammad picks it up only to find the Imam of the local Masjid on the other side of the line.
‘Aliya looks into the eyes of her husband and notices his face light up with even more happiness and hope.
After a couple of minutes Muhammad puts down the phone and tells his wife the amazing news. The Imam had the exact dream as Muhammad and ‘Aliya! After they made Salat and for the past hour, phone calls poured in from relatives and friends. Allah has made Ahmad as a good example to all, and has made all those who knew him to dream of his good condition in the Hereafter.
That day, Mo and the girl were buried. Very few turned up to their burial, not even their own parents…
“No more pain! Please!” Mo screams out.
Mo and the girl watch on in terror as their bodies approach their burial grounds. From the depths of their graves they watch on in terror as thousands of hideous and grotesque insects pour into their grave. Inside their grave scorpions the size of a small baby with long spidery legs six foot in length scuttling along the ground can be seen by only the dead.
Black snakes well over 20 foot with the most terrifying face ever imaginable with dozens of large sword like teeth are also present. Thousands of large wet worms with hundreds of spiny legs embedded along the side of their bodies squirm around only to cause sever pain with the bites from their small jaws and the prodding of their spiny legs.
Mo and the girl scream in absolute terror as their bodies are placed within their graves. The insects force their way into their mouths crawling down their throats. Some insects are so large that Mo and the girl’s mouth are forced open so wide that their jaws end up breaking and their cheeks tearing. Their screams continue and then begin to gurgle in their own vomit as the insects crawl down their throats. Some worm like creatures begin to eat their way back out of their throats, while others continue down into their stomach only to burst out of their abdomen. The large scorpions dig their claws and poisonous stings without mercy into the eyes and face of Mo and the girl. Each time the flesh, sinew, and muscle is torn off from their bodies; it is only replaced again and again so the pain never ends. After a while, that felt like a lifetime for Mo and the girl, the insects scuttle off. Suddenly the walls of their grave begin to slowly close in on them. They scream in absolute terror and panic as the walls of their graves slowly crush them to almost death. Their shoulder blades slowly come together in a sick crunch as their own stomach and insides pour out from their mouths and nose.
After the Crushing of the Grave, Mo and the girl, each one alone, in a separate dark “room” watch on in terror as Munkar and Nakeer approach them at the same time. After the Questioning of the Grave, and the torture from the blind, death and dumb one, the “room” automatically turns into a torture chamber beyond imagination.
Mo screams in terror as angels in horrifying forms approach him carrying large iron nails and hammers.
“Please no!!!” Mo screams out as a large nail is placed over his left eye and then without hesitation hammered into his skull. The same was done to his right eye. After this terrifying ordeal, the angels without mercy begin to hammer at least another dozen nails into his skull.
“This punishment is for every time you touched a woman Allah has forbidden you to touch!” The angels scream out, letting Mo know why he is receiving such torture. Each time the nails were hammered through his skull, his skull would return back to normal only to be treated to the same punishment.
The girl also received the same punishment as Mo, but for her another angel approached her carrying two very large iron hooks. Despite her crackling scream and cries, the angel forced the hook through her tongue ripping it out of her mouth. Then the angel placed the other hook through her belly button, ripping the flesh off her abdomen exposing her insides. Her stomach and other organs emptied out onto the dark murky floor.
“This is for the piercing you did upon your tongue and your belly! Tell me now with the pain you feel was it really worth it? Did you gain eternal pleasure? Did it wipe out every form of depression upon this Earth?”
“No! Please stop! I only did it because I was tempted by it! I was planning to get rid of it!” The girl screams out.
“Your excuses are nothing but air! You knew it was forbidden yet you denied your Lord, thinking that He will let you live only so you can live through your desires and then you hoped to grow bored of it. Know this; those who want to enjoy their pleasures thinking that they will grow out of it, the only thing that is growing is the torment and pain they will feel in the Afterlife!” The angels call out sternly to her.
Back with Ahmad, the angels of mercy escort him towards the largest and most beautiful building he has ever seen in his entire life. It looks like a giant dome made out of purple emerald, the size of which can hold many Planet Earth’s with ease. Large crystal frame windows line the sides of this incredible emerald dome, while colourful plants and little ponds line the whole circumference of it.
“SubhanAllah! Am I going to go in there?!” Ahmad calls out excitedly.
“Of course you are Ahmad. This is your place of stay until the coming of the final hour.” An angel says smiling towards him.
“AllahuAkbar!” Ahmad calls out.
Each step Ahmad takes towards the doors of the magical emerald dome, his excitement reaches a new level beyond description.
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